- Progesterone supports thyroid function. A healthy thyroid helps things like energy, mood, hair and weight, all be at their best.
- Progesterone increases the metabolism, which is responsible for how we convert food to energy and thus aids to managing a healthy weight and energy levels.
- Progesterone supports the balance of blood sugar levels
- Progesterone supports normal blood clotting, therefore, it is helpful to more than just reducing cramping during PMS, but also supports clotting in the veins of both genders
- Progesterone stimulates Osteoblast cell activity, the cells responsible for new bone tissue
- Progesterone helps with skin elasticity
- Progesterone supports healthy sleep patterns
- Progesterone supports gums to stay healthy and strong
- Progesterone is a natural diuretic
- Progesterone is known as the “happy hormone” it has also been shown to support decreased depression and anxiety.
- Progesterone inhibits a chemical in the brain* that is responsible for breaking down serotonin while enhancing the serotonin receptors. Serotonin is the feel-good brain chemical.
Gynecologists have estimated that between 85-90% of women suffer from at least one or more PMS symptoms a month (usually more). Some of theses symptoms are so severe that they are known as PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) and can take over a woman’s life. (PCOS & Endometriosis too)
To properly understand why PMS and PMDD occur and how progesterone can safely and effectively help, we must first understand how the monthly cycle works.
Every month there are two dominant hormones that control a women’s monthly reproduction cycle, estrogen and progesterone.
The start of a woman’s period marks day one of her monthly cycle. This is when estrogen levels rise and are dominant until about day 14. (this is the estrogen phase of the month). Right around around day 14 the ovaries release an egg to be fertilized. this is known as ovulation. At this time, progesterone is released by the ovaries. This now starts the shift into the progesterone phase of the month.
During this progesterone phase, progesterone should now be the dominant hormone (days 14-28 of your menstrual month). If the egg does not become fertilized during this time, progesterone levels drop sharply. This signaling the body to shed the lining of the uterus and the unfertilized egg (menstruation). This now signals a rise in estrogen levels
One very common reason women experience PMS and the even more extreme PMDD leading up to and at the start of their period, is due to estrogen being dominant during the progesterone phase of the month (days 14-28) ovulation to menstruation.
In the “ideal” environment where nothing affects our hormone balance, a woman should naturally produce 22-25 mg of progesterone per day in the second half of her monthly cycle (days 14-28).
To learn why you may be suffering from a hormone imbalance please visit our page:
For support with PMS/PMDD symptoms:
Use 1/8th teaspoon mornings and at bedtime days 14-28. The first day or your period marks day 1, two weeks from that is day 14 which is when ovulation begins, this is the day you start applying Serenity. When the egg is not fertilized within these two progesterone dominate weeks, this triggers menstruation to begin on or around day 28.
If symptoms are severe you may initially use a quarter teaspoon mornings and evenings. If your cycle is not a normal 28 day cycle, then use the Serenity on day 14 for two consecutive weeks then stop and wait for your period to begin. Once your period begins mark that as day 1 again and repeat the process until your cycle normalizes to approximately 28 days apart.
If at any time you start your period during the two weeks you are using Serenity, stop using the cream immediately, count that day as day 1, and start using the cream again on day 14. Serenity will not bring on a period if your body does not naturally require it.
Regulating your monthly cycle can take up to 3 months but will optimize your hormone balance and aid in reduced symptoms of PMS/PMDD.
Where to apply it?
Progesterone is very well absorbed through the skin when it is in a properly formulated cream, such as Serenity Bio-Identical Progesterone Cream, and unlike orally taken progesterone it is not intercepted by the liver.
Serenity should be applied to the supple skin areas of the body where it is easily delivered to the blood stream for use:
- Face
- Neck
- palms
- Vaginal tissue
- Feet
Apply your cream to different areas of “freshly bathed” skin each time.
Most women feel a difference within a few minutes of initial application, however, those who are exceptionally deficient in progesterone and struggling with too much estrogen, may require 3 months to achieve an optimum balance.
In an environment where nothing was negatively affecting our hormone balance, a woman should naturally produce 22-25 mg of progesterone per day in the second half of her monthly cycle (days 14-28). An eighth teaspoon of Serenity contains 15 mg of bio identical progesterone, so one application in the morning and one in the evening will constitute approximately 30 mg per day.
Allowing for stress and environmental toxins, you can expect to achieve not less than 22-25 mg per day, the amount that should be produced naturally. For severe symptoms a quarter teaspoon twice per day may be applied. The amount of cream you use will be ultimately determined by how you are feeling and how you are responding. Each jar and tube contains more than 90 eighth-teaspoon applications.
When a woman has a normal pregnancy, progesterone levels will increase uniformly from about 25-28 mg/day at conception to 350-400 mg/day at the end of a successful full-term pregnancy (40 weeks).
A drop in progesterone levels at any time during the pregnancy, especially during the first 11-12 weeks, will almost always result in miscarriage.
Serenity Organics Progesterone Cream can be safely applied at the rate of 1/8th tsp twice daily at conception, increasing uniformly to 1/2 tsp twice daily at the end of week 18-19. At this time, the placenta should assume progesterone production until week 40. When it is time for the baby to be born progesterone levels will drop from about 400 mg/day to 0 mg/day, triggering the birth of the baby.
if you discontinue use at the end of week 18 or 19 and experience depression or just feel “out of sorts” this would indicate that the placenta has not assumed its role of sufficient progesterone production. Because Serenity Creams are all plant-based and only contain American-made progesterone, you may resume the use of your cream until you discern that the placenta is now producing sufficient progesterone.
For Postpartum Depression, use the cream 14 days on 14 days off until period begins then follow the instructions for a normal monthly cycle again. Avoid environmental estrogens.
What If I No Longer Have A Monthly Cycle?
Many women, who no longer have a monthly cycle, whether due to menopause or to a hysterectomy, may also have very low amounts of progesterone versus estrogen levels. Since the ovaries at ovulation are the primary source of progesterone many menopausal women will commonly experience a drop to nearly zero in progesterone production. At the same time women are receiving synthetic estrogens through their diet and personal care products, or even prescription HRT.
Stress is also a large contributing factor as it produces cortisol, which is a steroid hormone that can attach itself to hormone receptor sights adding to the hormonal imbalance known as estrogen dominance. Menopause is often treated as an estrogen deficiency instead of the progesterone deficiency that it actually is.
Here are some of the supportive benefits woman, in this phase of life, can receive from supplementing with bio-identical progesterone:
- Reduction of night sweats
- Improved sleep
- Increased libido/vaginal moisture
- Balanced thyroid
- Healthy weight
- Balanced Estrogen levels
- Improved bone density
- Mood enhancement
And even overall happiness, thats right, because of benefits progesterone has in the brain, its nickname is ‘the happy hormone’!
To see the reason behind why you might be suffering from low progesterone levels and estrogen dominance please visit our page, Why Would I Have a Hormone Imbalance, here.
- Face
- Neck
- Palms / Inner Wrists
- Vaginal tissue
- Feet