(puberty to menopause)
The day your period begins is counted as Day 1 of your menstrual month.
Apply 1/8th teaspoon to freshly bathed skin every 12 hours, days 14-28.
If your period begins again before Day 28, stop using the cream and count that day as Day 1 of your next monthly cycle.
(if your cycle is not a normal 28 day cycle, then begin using your cream the evening of the day of ovulation)
Your goal is to achieve a normal 28 day cycle.
(age 50+)
Apply 1/8th teaspoon to freshly bathed skin every 12 hours, days 25-26 consecutive days each month. Discontinue for 5-6 days.
Using Serenity Organics will not restart your menstrual cycle, as menopause is marked by the release of your last egg.
Testosterone is the source of libido in women. The female body makes testosterone from Progesterone. Apply according to your menstrual status.