Estrogen Dominance
It has been estimated that 85 to 90% of all cycling women living in industrialized countries suffer from too much estrogen, relative to insufficient progesterone (
PCOS). As a woman enters into her 40s (peri-menopause), and progresses to full-blown menopause (
hot flashes,
weight gain,
low libido,
thyroid malfunction), progesterone levels decrease significantly faster than estrogen and testosterone, and this
imbalance becomes more acute.
Does this mean that women are destined to have to struggle with these many painful symptoms?
By no means!
The “New Normal” does not have to be Your new normal!
Take a look at simple cultures, people who live
close to the earth and are not bathed in the
myriad of chemicals which plague modern, industrialized cultures. These women have no symptoms of
PMS, there is no such thing as peri-menopause, (which cause is unknown by most doctors), and
menopause is
a time of celebration and a time of freedom!
From the first day of a woman’s period until ovulation, the 27 estrogens should be the dominant hormones (days 1-14). Then, at ovulation, one of the ovaries releases an egg
and Progesterone. From the day of ovulation until the start of the next period (days 14-28), the single hormone, progesterone, should be the dominant hormone. Take a look at the
chart on this page.
If, however, a woman’s body fails to make enough progesterone during the “
progesterone phase of the month”, the luteal phase (days 14-28) and the
estrogens dominate her biology, she will experience some combination of the 150+ symptoms of
Because of the myriad of symptoms women experience in menopause, the underlying cause has been identified as insufficient progesterone relative to too much estrogen.
This condition has been termed “
estrogen dominance”.
When progesterone production is suppressed by the
myriad of environmental estrogens, the effects of estrogen dominance become manifest. Many women experience otherwise unexplained weight gain from the lack of progesterone that is required for
proper thyroid function.
This imbalance of too much estrogen, relative to insufficient, optimal levels of progesterone is the primary underlying cause of the condition referred to as
Estrogen Dominance:
All Women:
- Increased Body Fat
- Interference with Thyroid Hormone Activity (hypo-thyroid)
- Depression
- Migraine Headaches
- Salt & Water Retention
- Blood Sugar Irregularities (Food Cravings)
- Reduced Oxygen in All Cells
- Decreased Libido (Sex Drive)
- Loss of Zinc and Retention of Copper
- Excessive Blood Clotting
- Increased Risk of Breast Cancer
- Reduced Vascular Tone
- Endometriosis
- Increased Risk of Endometrial Cancer
- Uterine Cramping
- Increased Risk of Ovarian Cancer
- Increased Risk of Uterine Cancer
- Infertility
When the above list of ill-effects is compared to the benefits of
Natural Progesterone, we see a nearly one-to-one correlation.
It is also important to distinguish Body-Identical Progesterone from yam extract and from its synthetic counterparts in the drug industry – PROGESTINS. Although these drugs are commonly referred to as progesterone, this is a
misnomer. In some ways they mimic the effects of progesterone in the body, but in other important ways they gravely interfere with natural progesterone and, in time will create and exacerbate hormone related health problems, as well as increase your risk for
female-specific cancers.