
Hair Loss: 21 Ways to Keep Your Hair

Manage Stress – excess stress spikes cortisol, blocks T4-T3 conversion Avoid all Sodium Fluouride Use a Sebum-cleansing shampoo. No Sulfates in any shampoo DHT burns out hair follicles as a result of 5AR, leading to andro-genetic alopecia-pattern hair loss Progesterone cream blocks 5AR/DHT Onion juice supports healthy hair growth Green tea supports healthy hair growth Organic Essential Rosemary oil supports healthy hair growth (rub into scalp, leave in overnight) Zinc supports healthy hair growth Silica supports healthy hair growth ACV – 1/3 cup to 1 liter of water supports healthy hair growth Increase protein/trace minerals – sea kelp, shellfish, salmon Nutritional Yeast flakes – non fortified/organic supports healthy hair growth Cruciferous vegetables – sea kelp support healthy hair growth Selenium (brazil nuts, seafood, sea kelp) – for sluggish thyroid. Keto & IF – prevent androgen spike, normalizing insulin Biotin – supports hair growth Optimize Friendly gut bacteria – Fermented Vegetables, KimChi, Sauerkraut contain 100x more probiotics than most supplements, Collagen & vitamin C. They survive stomach acids Increase vitamin D (Sunshine) a natural cortisol-balancing hormone Improve quality sleep Exercise daily