What Are the Benefits of Progesterone?
[spb_blank_spacer height=”30px” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_row element_name=”Row” wrap_type=”content-width” parallax_image_height=”content-height” parallax_image_movement=”fixed” parallax_image_speed=”0.5″ bg_video_loop=”yes” parallax_video_height=”window-height” parallax_video_overlay=”none” row_overlay_opacity=”0″ row_col_pos=”default” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_text_block animation=”none” animation_delay=”0″ simplified_controls=”yes” custom_css_percentage=”no” padding_vertical=”0″ padding_horizontal=”0″ margin_vertical=”0″ custom_css=”margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;” border_size=”0″ border_styling_global=”default” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] The Multiple Roles of Progesterone Progesterone is the master female hormone, produced primarily by the ovaries and in a smaller amount by the adrenal glands. As the master hormone, it is the one necessary for the production of many other hormones, two of the really significant ones are, estrogen and testosterone. Testosterone, among it’s other roles, is responsible for libido in both men and women! What other roles does this hormone, progesterone, fulfill in your body? [/spb_text_block] [spb_button element_name=”LEARN MORE” button_text=”LEARN MORE” button_size=”standard” button_colour=”pink” button_type=”bordered” rounded=”yes” button_dropshadow=”no” button_icon=”fa-share” button_link=”https://serenity-organics.com/pages/what-is-progesterone/” button_target=”_self” align=”center” animation=”fadeIn” animation_delay=”5000″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [/spb_row] [spb_text_block animation=”none” animation_delay=”0″ simplified_controls=”yes” custom_css_percentage=”no” padding_vertical=”0″ padding_horizontal=”0″ margin_vertical=”0″ custom_css=”margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;” border_size=”0″ border_styling_global=”default” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] References: Stein DG. The case for progesterone. Ann NY Acad Sci. 2005 Jun;1052:152-69. Hotze SF. Hormones, Health, and Happiness. Houston, TX: Forrest Publishing; 2005. Gulinello M, Smith SS. Anxiogenic effects of neurosteroid exposure: sex differences and altered GABAA receptor pharmacology in adult rats. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2003 May;305(2):541-8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12606703 https://www.healthline.com/health/progesterone-function Everything You Need to Know About Progesterone. Medically reviewed by Valinda Riggins Nwadike, MD, MPH on April 29, 2019 — Written by Jill Seladi-Schulman, PhD https://www.healthline.com/health/womens-health/low-progesterone#low-progesterone Low Progesterone: Complications, Causes, and More. Medically reviewed by Holly Ernst, PA-C on August 25, 2016 — Written by Ana GotterMedically reviewed by Holly Ernst, PA-C on August 25, 2016 — Written by Ana Gotter [/spb_text_block]
Progesterone & Environmental Estrogens (EDC’s)
Progesterone & Environmental Estrogens (EDC’s) Xeno-Estrogens: What You Need to Know… Falling Sperm counts, rising breast cancer diagnoses, PMS, PCOS, Infertility… What’s up with this trend? Are there environmental chemicals at work, ones we can’t see, feel or touch? Let’s get a little science…The word xeno-estrogen is derived from the Greek words ξένο (xeno, meaning foreign), οἶστρος (estrus, meaning sexual drive) and γόνο (gene, meaning “to generate”) and literally means “foreign estrogen”. Xeno-estrogens are also called “environmental hormones” or Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC’s). Most scientists that study xeno-estrogens, including The Endocrine Society, regard them as serious environmental hazards that have hormone disruptive effects on both wildlife and humans. Your health, as a woman, is threatened by these pervasive xeno-estrogens. If you live in an industrialized country, there are more than 100,000 environmental estrogens, (xeno-estrogens), that challenge your health & well-being and put you at increased risk for all the trappings of estrogen-dominance, not the least of which is an increased risk for female -specific cancers.These harmful chemicals must be identified and avoided, as they have been shown to cause birth defects, abnormal sexual development, problems with the nervous system, the immune system, cancer, PMS/PMT, infertility, osteoporosis and very unpleasant menopause. While xeno-estrogens mimic natural estrogens in some activities (they plugin to estrogen receptor sites), they all have undesirable side-effects, not the least of which is an increased risk for breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Xeno-estrogens gravely interfere with the production & healthy performance of your body’s natural estrogen and natural progesterone. Where are Xeno-estrogens? Three Primary Sources 1. Petroleum derivatives: also called petro-chemicals, are found in almost all personal care products & household cleaning products and are EDC’s. BPA, PCB’s and phthalates, are universally recognized as exerting an estrogenic effect on humans. Since the list of petroleum compounds (petro chemicals) that are in use commercially is so extensive (>100,000), there is no single list of harmful petro-chemicals. Suffice it to say, if a product touches your skin or you breathe it in, the label must state “all plant-based”. 2. GMO: all genetically modified foods contain glyphosate, a known carcinogen, which is also an endocrine disrupting chemical parentheses (EDC). This includes, but not limited to, all fruits and vegetables, as well as all cotton products. Cotton tampons are especially guilty of supplying EDC’s into a woman’s pelvis, and our a primary contributing factor to PCOS. 3. Meat and/or dairy products: farm animals, by default, are fed growth hormones for profit. So, if you eat meat and dairy products, it is imperative that the label states: “No added hormones; no antibiotics, no pesticides“, otherwise you will be adding fuel to a fire that will hurt you. also called petro-chemicals, are found in almost all personal care products & household cleaning products and are EDC’s. BPA, PCB’s and phthalates, are universally recognized as exerting an estrogenic effect on humans. Since the list of petroleum compounds (petro chemicals) that are in use commercially is so extensive (>100,000), there is no single list of harmful petro-chemicals. Suffice it to say, if a product touches your skin or you breathe it in, the label must state “all plant-based”. all genetically modified foods contain glyphosate, a known carcinogen, which is also an endocrine disrupting chemical parentheses (EDC). This includes, but not limited to, all fruits and vegetables, as well as all cotton products. Cotton tampons are especially guilty of supplying EDC’s into a woman’s pelvis, and our a primary contributing factor to PCOS. farm animals, by default, are fed growth hormones for profit. So, if you eat meat and dairy products, it is imperative that the label states: “No added hormones; no antibiotics, no pesticides“, otherwise you will be adding fuel to a fire that will hurt you. If the label states: “Certified Organic” and you trust the certifying agency, then you can consume those foods safely. USDA Organic & Ecocert Approved, by the way, are trusted certifiers. What to Do? We fully appreciate the challenges may seem daunting, perhaps overwhelming. With that stated, for more than 35 years, we have consulted personally with tens of thousands of women, including many natural health care professionals and can state, without reservation, that application of this information will improve your health status and well-being, irrespective of your gender. In addition to these defensive measures, consider going on the offense. A diet designed to purify the body with foods that promote detoxification will help restore a healthy balance of hormones and all of your body’s circadian rhythms. Studies that have been conducted in people who ate a diet rich in cruciferous vegetables such as, Kale, Collards, Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Broccoli, & Radishes versus those who did not eat such foods. The cruciferous group decreased their odds of forming cancer in the body by approximately 50%! These Cruciferous vegetables contain special compounds that change a dangerous cancer-causing form of estrogen into a benign, protective form of estrogen. Additionally, intermittent fasting helps purge the body of unwanted debris. A Vital Key Principle! Anything, literally, Anything that touches your skin or that you breathe in has the potential to deliver harmful Xeno-estrogens into your bloodstream. Make Certain that All products with which you have contact are “All Plant-Based“, Petro-chemical-Free. If you already have a hormone imbalance, a very tiny amount of these chemicals will trigger symptoms. Become an obsessive Label Reader! Xenoestrogens: Conclusion Optimal health is the result of not subjecting your body to the myriad of harmful chemicals, so prevalent in our lives. We appreciate the need to replace harmful products with ones that are organic and, above all, Safe: Details, here… Natural Estrogens: the Good News… The female body manufactures approximately 27 different natural estrogens, the most beneficial of which is estriol (widely used in Europe for more than 50 years, as it has been shown to exert protective influence against female cancers). These hormones carry out a wide array of functions and they do so safely, when balanced by progesterone, a hormone in a class by itself. Natural estrogens are responsible for female
Progesterone: What are BioIdentical Hormones?
What does “Bio-Identical” mean? Bio-identical hormones have the exact same molecular structure as hormones that are made by our bodies. What makes Bio-identical hormones different from prescription hormones? Bio-identical hormones are identical to the naturally occurring hormones found in the human body and are necessary for optimal health. Conversely, the molecular structure of synthetic hormones is one that never occurs naturally. Therefore, synthetic hormones have cautions, warnings and side-effects associated with their medicinal use. It is vital, therefore, that you fully educate yourself of the known risks, prior to taking synthetic hormones. Why choose Bio-Identical Hormone therapy? The goal of Bio-identical Hormone replacement therapy is to provide an adequate supply of the deficient hormone(s) in a form that is safe and in harmony with your biology. What Are the Benefits of Bio-identical Hormones? Alleviation of the symptoms caused by hormone deficiencies. Re-establishing the protective benefits provided by naturally occurring hormones. So, why don’t doctors typically recommend using Bio-Identical hormone therapy? The use of natural, bio-identical human hormones is not taught in most medical schools. Medical schools have adopted the belief, propagated by the drug companies, that the health challenges that are the result of the environment and / or aging can be treated with drugs or surgery. As a result, they do not always teach traditional medical professionals the art of wellness, by addressing the cause of the disease, rather than its symptoms. Hysterectomies and mastectomies being just two examples of treating the symptoms. How valuable would you say it is, to identify and correct the causes for disease, Before they become manifest? For these very reasons, informed women have chosen to take charge of their health care decisions and, when appropriate, incorporate safe, alternatives that are free of documented side-effects associated with traditional medicine. References: Pharm Pract (Granada). 2011 Jan-Mar; 9(1): 16–22. Published online 2011 Mar 15. doi: 10.4321/s1886-36552011000100003. Defining bioidentical hormones for menopause-related symptoms. Patsner B. Pharmacy compounding of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT): a proposed new approach to justify FDA regulation of these prescription drugs. Food Drug Law J. 2008;63:459-491 [PubMed] [Google Scholar] Sood R, Shuster L, Smith R, Vincent A, Jatoi A. Counseling postmenopausal women about bioidentical hormones: ten discussion points for practicing physicians. J Am Board Fam Med. 2011;24(2):202-10. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2011 Mar;111(3):153-64. Bioidentical hormones: an evidence-based review for primary care providers. Conaway E1.
Progesterone Levels: Deficiency
How would you know if you are suffering from a deficiency of progesterone & too much estrogen? A healthy woman should naturally produce about 25-30 mg of progesterone per day during the progesterone phase of her monthly cycle (days 14-28). Allowing for stress and environmental toxins, supplementing women should apply not less than 25-30 mg per day, the amount that should be produced naturally. PMS PMS encompasses more than 150 different symptoms, although, thankfully, no Woman experiences them all. The observable symptoms generally include all or some combination of: Irritability Frustration Vertigo Acne Bloating Mood Swings Food Cravings Cramping Prolonged periods Cessation of periods Depression Foggy thinking Hair loss Exhaustion Sluggish thyroid Weight Gain Loss of Libido Acute Headaches Anger Panic Backaches Fatigue Breast Swelling & Tenderness Address the causes of PMS by managing stress and replacing the chemicals that interfere with hormone balance with products that are plant-sourced, ergo, safe & therapeutic. While identifying & avoiding the myriad of harmful chemicals in the environment, the other half of what is needed is a properly formulated organic progesterone cream, one free of petro-chemicals, free of Chinese progesterone and free of Genetically Modified Ingredients (GMO-free) one that, since 1995, has proven to be the safest and most effect choice for the Informed Woman. Menopause Always apply to freshly bathed skin. 1/8th teaspoon twice a day, mornings and bedtime for 25-26 consecutive days. Discontinue for 5-6 days. If symptoms are severe you may increase to a quarter teaspoon twice a day, but monitor progress and decrease as required. Using Serenity will not restart your menstrual cycle, as menopause is marked by the release of your last egg. Always apply to freshly bathed skin. Meticulously avoid all environmental estrogens so that progesterone can optimally support your health. If hot flashes persist, include whole psyllium seed husks in the evening according directions on product page. In the U.K. and in the U.S., bone loss begins, on average, at age 37, however, osteoporosis may not be diagnosed until menopause. Fertility Progesterone is the “pro-gestational hormone” and necessary for conception and full-term pregnancy. A drop in progesterone levels or a blockage of progesterone receptors during the first 11 or 12 weeks will normally result in miscarriage. *note: if you discontinue your cream at the end of week 19 and the placenta has not taken over progesterone production, resume cream. You will clearly know if the placenta is not producing significant quantities of progesterone. Libido Testosterone is the source of libido in women. Progesterone is the precursor for testosterone. Apply according to your menstrual status. Add kindness, candlelight, soft music and a chilled bottle of Pinot Noir for enhanced effect. Conclusion There are no reported short or long term side effects to using Serenity Bio Identical Progesterone Cream. – Too much estrogen can cause irregular cycles and retention of old blood. Because natural progesterone has a normalizing effect on the menstrual cycle, it may initially promote the shedding of old blood. This shedding is very desirable as stored blood can increase the risk of endometriosis & endometrial cancer. Note: At the onset of using natural progesterone cream some women may initially experience an increase in “estrogen dominance” symptoms. This is due to the natural progesterone “waking up” estrogen receptor sites, not a reaction to progesterone. If experienced, simply reduce the amount of cream to an amount that does not trigger symptoms and gradually return to a normal dose. This condition is only temporary. As your body adjusts the re-introduction of the Master hormone, you will achieve an optimal balance and the symptoms caused by estrogen dominance will ameliorate.
Progesterone & Your Health
Progesterone & Your Health In order to accurately evaluate the effects of the hormones estrogen and natural progesterone, on Menopause, PMS, Fertility, and Osteoporosis, it is necessary to identify the sources of these two primary female hormones. Distinguishing safe and natural hormones from those that are foreign and carcinogenic will allow women to make informed choices. This information will help them to avoid the unwanted effects of low or no progesterone (Estrogen Dominance) and the subsequent unpleasant symptoms associated with Menopause & PMS. Other major disorders, including breast cancer, stroke, osteoporosis & heart disease have also been shown to be the result of an imbalance of hormones. Under the normal, healthy circumstances of a woman’s monthly cycle, estrogen should be the dominant hormone for the first two weeks and is balanced by natural progesterone, which should be the dominant hormone for the latter two weeks.After a woman has entered menopause, whether it is due to age or surgery (hysterectomy), female hormone production is reduced to approximately 40% to 60% of the pre-menopausal levels. While the need for a proper balance of estrogen and progesterone are important to all adult women, it is more critical at this time and many informed women have chosen a properly formulated natural progesterone cream.Problems arise, however, when foreign estrogens and synthetic hormones are introduced into the body that interfere with natural hormone production and normal thyroid function and when natural progesterone production is consequently suppressed by these environmental antagonists.What are the sources of foreign hormones or xeno-estrogens?
Progesterone Overview
Informed Women’s Health Guide to Understanding & Managing Menopause, PMS, Infertility & Osteoporosis Progesterone is a steroid hormone released from a woman’s ovaries at ovulation & in smaller amounts by the adrenal glands. A menstruating woman will typically produce about 22-25 mg of progesterone per day during the luteal phase of her menstrual cycle (days 14-28). A properly formulated bio-identical progesterone is converted from a fatty-acid sterol called diosgenin (a plant sterol) which is commonly extracted from wild yams or soybeans, non GMO being a must. In spite of the fact that diosgenen is extracted from soy, the end result is a highly purified, biologically identical hormone, one completely free of any remnants of soy substances. You may have an allergy to soy, but will not respond to Serenity, as there are no traces of soy and there is no diosgenin in the cream. Bio-identical progesterone is molecularly the same as what is produced by the woman’s ovary. It is made from naturally occurring plant sterols found in abundance in yam or soy. More than 5,000 plants contain diosgenin. Although frequently confused, it is not the synthetic version that is commonly dispensed by prescription e.g., Provera. These synthetic chemicals interfere with a woman’s natural hormone production and normal glandular function, i.e., thyroid and will suppress the body’s production of natural progesterone. Based on 37 years of use and clinical observation by Dr. Jonathan Wright, Dr. Ray Peat and Dr. John Lee, side effects have been shown to be extremely rare with natural progesterone in a plant-based cream. Since progesterone is a primary hormone that regulates a woman’s menstrual cycle, it is important to only use a biologically identical progesterone in a plant based cream during the progesterone phase of the month (days 14-28). What are the sources of these foreign hormones or xeno-estrogens? Meat & Dairy that contain growth hormones – Farmers feed growth hormones to their animals, as the net increase in profits is substantial. So, when choosing meat or dairy, make certain the label says “hormone-free; antibiotic-free”. Better yet, “Free-Range, Grass-Fed” is more sustainable and better for your health. Sustainable and local grownwill be of greatest benefit to your health. Personal Care Products that contain petroleum derivatives – Petroleum derivatives (petro-chemicals) are used in most personal care/cleaning products. When they enter the human body, they act like synthetic estrogens, wreaking havoc on your efforts to achieve optimal hormone balance. Birth Control Pills Prescription Progesterone pills Synthetic progesterones usually called progestins, (medroxy-progesterone), often cause many undesirable side-effects including increased risk of cancer, abnormal menstrual flow, fluid retention, nausea, depression, PMS, PMT and may even increase your risk for heart disease and stroke. Make sure that the label on all of your personal care products reads: “All Plant-Based” or “Petro-Chemical-Free” Conclusion: This clear distinction will furnish vital information for the unwanted effects of low or no progesterone relative too much estrogen (Estrogen Dominance) & the subsequent unpleasant symptoms associated with Menopause, PMS, and the conditions of infertility & osteoporosis. Other major disorders, including breast cancer, stroke, osteoporosis & heart disease have also been shown to be caused or, at the very least, contributed to by an imbalance of steroid hormones. Distinguishing safe and natural hormones from those that are foreign and carcinogenic will allow women to make informed choices that will benefit future health and quality of life. References: Stein DG. The case for progesterone. Ann NY Acad Sci. 2005 Jun;1052:152-69. Heersche JN, Bellows CG, Ishida Y. The decrease in bone mass associated with aging and menopause. J Prosthet Dent. 1998 Jan;79(1):14-6. Hotze SF. Hormones, Health, and Happiness. Houston, TX: Forrest Publishing; 2005. Dalton, K. The Premenstrual Syndrome and Progesterone Therapy. Chicago, IL: Year Book Medical Publishers; 1977. Sumino H, Ichikawa S, Itoh H, et al. Hormone replacement therapy decreases insulin resistance and lipid metabolism in Japanese postmenopausal women with impaired and normal glucose tolerance. Horm Res. 2003;60(3):134-42. The history of natural progesterone, the never-ending story. P.Piette. Pages 308-314 | Received 10 Jan 2018, Accepted 05 Apr 2018, Published online: 28 May 2018 Swyer GIM. Progestogens and their clinical uses: Part I. Br Med J 1960;1:48–9 [Crossref], [PubMed], [Google Scholar]
Progesterone & Estrogen Dominance
Progesterone & Estrogen Dominance Estrogen Dominance It has been estimated that 85 to 90% of all cycling women living in industrialized countries suffer from too much estrogen, relative to insufficient progesterone (PMS/PMDD,PCOS). As a woman enters into her 40s (peri-menopause), and progresses to full-blown menopause (hot flashes, sweats, weight gain, low libido, thyroid malfunction), progesterone levels decrease significantly faster than estrogen and testosterone, and this imbalance becomes more acute. Does this mean that women are destined to have to struggle with these many painful symptoms? By no means! The “New Normal” does not have to be Your new normal! Take a look at simple cultures, people who live close to the earth and are not bathed in the myriad of chemicals which plague modern, industrialized cultures. These women have no symptoms of PMS, there is no such thing as peri-menopause, (which cause is unknown by most doctors), and menopause is a time of celebration and a time of freedom! From the first day of a woman’s period until ovulation, the 27 estrogens should be the dominant hormones (days 1-14). Then, at ovulation, one of the ovaries releases an egg and Progesterone. From the day of ovulation until the start of the next period (days 14-28), the single hormone, progesterone, should be the dominant hormone. Take a look at the chart on this page. If, however, a woman’s body fails to make enough progesterone during the “progesterone phase of the month”, the luteal phase (days 14-28) and the estrogens dominate her biology, she will experience some combination of the 150+ symptoms of PMS/PMT/PMDD & PCOS. Because of the myriad of symptoms women experience in menopause, the underlying cause has been identified as insufficient progesterone relative to too much estrogen. This condition has been termed “estrogen dominance”. When progesterone production is suppressed by the myriad of environmental estrogens, the effects of estrogen dominance become manifest. Many women experience otherwise unexplained weight gain from the lack of progesterone that is required for proper thyroid function. This imbalance of too much estrogen, relative to insufficient, optimal levels of progesterone is the primary underlying cause of the condition referred to as Estrogen Dominance: All Women: Increased Body Fat Interference with Thyroid Hormone Activity (hypo-thyroid) Depression Migraine Headaches Salt & Water Retention Blood Sugar Irregularities (Food Cravings) Reduced Oxygen in All Cells Decreased Libido (Sex Drive) Loss of Zinc and Retention of Copper Excessive Blood Clotting Increased Risk of Breast Cancer Reduced Vascular Tone Endometriosis Increased Risk of Endometrial Cancer Uterine Cramping Increased Risk of Ovarian Cancer Increased Risk of Uterine Cancer Infertility When the above list of ill-effects is compared to the benefits of Natural Progesterone, we see a nearly one-to-one correlation. It is also important to distinguish Body-Identical Progesterone from yam extract and from its synthetic counterparts in the drug industry – PROGESTINS. Although these drugs are commonly referred to as progesterone, this is a misnomer. In some ways they mimic the effects of progesterone in the body, but in other important ways they gravely interfere with natural progesterone and, in time will create and exacerbate hormone related health problems, as well as increase your risk for female-specific cancers.
Progesterone & Insomnia
Safe Birth Control: Protect The Female Body Insomnia: What can I do to achieve deep, restful, Phase IV sleep? Go to bed at the same time each day, preferably before 10:00 p.m. Get up at the same time each day. Maintain a comfortable temperature in your bedroom, <66° F (18.8° C). Keep the bedroom quiet when sleeping. Keep the bedroom dark enough. Use blackout shades or wear an eye mask if needed. Use your bed only for sleep and romance. When you go to bed, relax your muscles, beginning with your feet and working your way up to your head. Exercise daily, however, Don’t exercise before going to bed. Don’t engage in stimulating activity just before bed. Don’t expose your eyes to bright light after sundown, i.e., computer monitors, tv, etc. Avoid caffeine. Remember that caffeine is present in chocolate, as well as regular coffee or tea, and most sodas. Don’t watch television in bed. Don’t erroneously believe that alcohol will help you acheive quality sleep. Don’t lie in bed awake for more than half an hour. Instead, get up, do some quiet activity, then return to bed when you are sleepy. Do this as many times in a night as needed. Don’t take sleeping pills for a long duration. You will achieve best results if you practice the above principles over a period of time. Usually, two to four weeks for best results. More, excellent suggestions can be found here. What about sleeping pills? Sleeping pills may render you unconscious, but do not promote deep, restful, delta rhythm sleep. They are mainly used to treat the short term insomnia that may occur as a result of temporary stress. Sleeping pills that you can buy at the store are usually not effective. If you are older, taking over-the-counter sleeping pills may be risky, because they can cause confusion. If your doctor decides to prescribe a sleeping pill and you decide to take them, use only as directed. Taking more pills than prescribed will not make you sleep better. Under most conditions, sleeping pills should not be taken for more than two weeks, as they will probably make insomnia worse. Are there any precautions I should take when using sleeping pills? Sleeping pills cause drowsiness and poor balance, so be careful about driving or doing other activities that may be dangerous. Don’t drink alcohol when taking sleeping pills. If you’re older, you’re more likely to fall if you are taking sleeping pills. If you have to get up at night to go to the bathroom, get up slowly, sit on the side of the bed for a minute, and then walk carefully to the bathroom. Use good light. Either turn on the lights or use a bright flashlight. What Natural Supplements Promote Deep, Restful, Phase IV Sleep? Organic Whole Psyllium Seed Husks – This sticky form of fiber absorbs toxins in the gut that would otherwise interfere with brain chemistry and normal sleep patterns. Carlson’s Super Omega III Fish Oils – During sleep the blood tends to become thick and sludge-like due to cleansing by the liver. These essential oils keep the blood thin and also furnish choline for brain chemistry Natural Vitamin E (400 i.u.)- Also keeps blood thin. Organic Kefir – we have tested every natural/herbal sleep supplement. Kefir is, by far, the most effective. Replace harmful household products with safe, plant-based products. Balance the excitatory effects of too much estrogen with a Premium Cream.
Progesterone & Hot Flashes
Hot Flashes At approximately age 45 to 50 estrogen levels begin to fall. When they fall below the levels necessary to signal the uterine lining to thicken and gather blood, the menstrual flow becomes less and/or irregular, eventually stopping altogether. Take a closer look at Hot Flashes, one of the primary symptoms associated with menopause in industrialized countries. Although there is no empirical proof of the cause for hot flashes, the following explanation may have merit. An area in the brain’s hypothalamus (the GnRH center) monitors estrogen and progesterone levels. When levels of these hormones decline, this triggers the GnRH which, in turn, stimulates the pituitary to make the hormones, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). This, then, results in the ovarian production of estrogen and progesterone. The rise in these hormones inhibits further production of GnRH. At menopause, estrogen levels fall and progesterone levels are usually already low. The ovaries, therefore, no longer respond to the FSH and LH prompt. In addition to hot flashes, the heightened activity of the hypothalamus can cause mood swings, fatigue, feelings of being cold, and inappropriate responses to other stressors. Many women will have symptoms of hypothyroidism despite normal thyroid hormone levels. When estrogen is supplemented, FSH levels fall and so does the incidence of hot flushes. The most likely scenario for this phenomenon is that low hormone levels stimulate the hypothalamic centers resulting not only the FSH elevation, but also the activation of nearby hypothalamis controlling vasomotor responses. Although estrogen supplementation is effective in reducing hot flushes, later attempts to reduce estrogen supplementation often results in recurrence of the symptoms. There are other ways to deal with hot flushes. Experience shows that a diet rich in fresh vegetables and low in sugar and refined carbohydrates, along with vitamin E and aerobic exercise, will often decrease the intensity and frequency of these symptoms. Also, replacement of natural progesterone alone and in sufficient doses, will frequently result in elimination or decreased severity of hot flushes. Since the hypothalamic centers monitor both estrogen and progesterone, it should not be surprising that sufficient natural progesterone will be effective in treating hot flushes. Because of the inherent toxicity of unopposed estrogen, these methods should be thoroughly tried before resorting to estrogen supplements, and, when supplementing with estrogen always supplement with progesterone on the same days of use, so as to avoid “unopposed estrogen”. Summary The GnRH centers in the brain effectively signal to increase estrogen and progesterone levels. Elevated estrogen and progesterone inhibit GnRH release. After menopause the ovaries no longer make estrogen and progesterone. Lack of estrogen and progesterone response results in increased activity of the GnRH center. Heightened GnRH activity activates the vasomotor center, causing hot flashes and perspiration. Supplementing with topical progesterone alone, will almost always ameliorate hot flashes. (avoid EDC’s} References: The Midlife Women’s Health Study – a study protocol of a longitudinal prospective study on predictors of menopausal hot flashes. Ayelet Ziv-Gal, Rebecca L. Smith, Lisa Gallicchio, Susan R. Miller, Howard A. Zacur, Jodi A. Flaws. Womens Midlife Health. 2017; 3: 4. Published online 2017 Aug 17. doi: 10.1186/s40695-017-0024-8 PMCID: PMC6300019 Genetic Polymorphisms, Hormone Levels, and Hot Flashes in Midlife Women. Chrissy Schilling, Lisa Gallicchio, Susan R. Miller, Patricia Langenberg, Howard Zacur, Jodi A. Flaws. Maturitas. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2008 Jun 20. Published in final edited form as: Maturitas. 2007 Jun 20; 57(2): 120–131. Published online 2006 Dec 21. doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2006.11.009 PMCID: PMC1949021 Longitudinal Changes in Menopausal Symptoms Comparing Women Randomized to Low-Dose Oral Conjugated Estrogens or Transdermal Estradiol Plus Micronized Progesterone Versus Placebo: the Kronos Early Estrogen Prevention Study (KEEPS) Nanette Santoro, Amanda Allshouse, Genevieve Neal-Perry, Lubna Pal, Rogerio A. Lobo, Frederick Naftolin, Dennis M. Black, Eliot A. Brinton, Matthew J. Budoff, Marcelle I. Cedars, N. Maritza Dowling, Mary Dunn, Carey E. Gleason, Howard N. Hodis, Barbara Isaac, Maureen Magnani, JoAnn E. Manson, Virginia M. Miller, Hugh S. Taylor, Whitney Wharton, Erin Wolff, Viola Zepeda, S. Mitchell Harman. Menopause. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2018 Mar 1. Published in final edited form as: Menopause. 2017 Mar; 24(3): 238–246. doi: 10.1097/GME.0000000000000756 PMCID: PMC5323337
Progesterone & Menopause
Menopause Overview Menopause literally means the end of monthly cycles from the Greek word pausis (cessation) and the root men (month) and normally occurs at age 50-51. In the islands, as well as in most simple cultures, menopause is a time of liberation, a time of celebration, a time of joyful accomplishment, a time of renewed energy. The unpleasant symptoms of we have only recently learned to associate with menopause are the bane of only a small group of women in history: American & Northern European women in the past 75 years. Outside that group, menopause is not so traumatic and is no more than a natural & welcome phase in a woman’s life. The more simple the lifestyle, the more simple the diet – the better quality of life & well-being at menopause. Contrary to popular belief, a decrease of hormone levels is a symptom of menopause, not a cause. Menopause occurs naturally when the last egg is released by the ovaries. After menopause or a hysterectomy, estrogen production decreases by about 40% to 60%. Therefore, your adrenals & fat cells still produce estrogen at approximately 40% to 60% of pre-menopause levels. There are a number of treatments for menopause, the most common being estrogen replacement therapy. In cases where Estrogen Replacement Therapy is elected to control hot flashes, vaginal dryness or night sweats, natural phyto-estrogen cream is recommended usually for several months or, in some cases a year. Risks of HRT By default hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is prescribed, the drug of choice being Premarin, which stands for Pregnant Mare’s Urine. Many take issue with this method of harvesting conjugated estrogens. Significant side-effects have been associated with the use of HRT. The evidence became clear 5-6 years ago, and it is now well accepted in the medical community that estrogen replacement therapy is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. As if that is not incriminating enough, estrogens have also been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer, and also tend to raise your insulin levels. Risks of HRT Studies have shown that women taking replacement estrogen have a 2 to 8 times higher risk of developing breast cancer, ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer than women who do not take estrogen. The risk increases after 2 to 4 years of estrogen use and seems to be greatest when large doses (>1 mg./day) are taken or when the estrogens are used for long periods of time (>4 years). This risk factor increases sharply in women who smoke cigarettes. Issues with Oral Administration Nature did not intend for humans to put hormones in their stomachs. When this basic principle is ignored the liver will intercept approximately 80% of the given hormone and convert it to a hormone metabolite. This is even true with orally administered bio-identical hormones. So, in order to achieve a net dose of 20 mg., the prescription for an oral hormone has to be 200 mg. The result: your body is flooded with hormone metabolites which encourage an imbalance of natural hormones. Hormone in a Cream? When steroid hormones are applied to the skin, the liver never knows! As a result, a proper bio-identical progesterone cream free of petro chemicals, will offer a 97-100% delivery to the appropriate hormone receptors. Because the hormone progesterone is the biological precursor for the production of natural estrogen, it is the natural choice for menopausal women as well as for pre-menopausal women to enjoy optimal health. Additionally, natural progesterone is vitally important for the health of every organ of the body. Persistent Symptoms Women who wrestle with persistent hot flashes, night sweats and/or vaginal dryness have found that 400 i.u. of natural vitamin E three times per day (1200 i.u./day), essential oil supplementation (primrose oil, omega III) and two to three tablespoons of whole psyllium seed husks in juice daily has been effective in ameliorating these persistent symptoms. In most cases, however, phyto-estrogen is not needed when a sufficient amount of bio-identical Progesterone is available, as it is the precursor (raw material) for other adrenal hormones, including natural estrogen, testosterone and cortisone. Bio-identical Progesterone has been found to be the choice for informed women when applied topically, in a cream formula free from petrochemicals and animal by-products. By establishing a balance of these hormones through proper diet, exercise, stress management, quality phase IV sleep and Biologically Identical Progesterone supplementation, fluctuations of estrogen and progesterone, the resultant hot flashes, night sweats and other symptoms of menopause are normally alleviated. Happy Menopause!
Why Serenity Bio-Identical Progesterone Cream?
Why Serenity Bio-Identical Progesterone Cream? Serenity progesterone cream is free of petroleum derivatives, Chinese materials and is meticulously formulated in small batches using only the purest form of USP progesterone, manufactured exclusively in the United States. Serenity progesterone cream is cruelty-free, petroleum-free, GMO-free and 100% plant-derived.
Why So Much Conflicting Information on Estrogen?
Estrogen in itself furnishes many good benefits in the female body when it is naturally occurring and in the correct amounts each month. However it’s important to make a distinction between the 27 different healthy estrogens our body makes versus the SYNTHETIC estrogens that are found in most commercial meat and dairy, the pesticides on produce and the petroleum based chemicals found in personal, cleaning & fragrance products that act like estrogens by plugging into hormone receptors. (steroid hormones plug into to hormone receptor sites, much the same way a key plugs into a lock) The Synthetics Synthetic estrogens have been studied and proven for decades to have harmful side effects, this is why when you go on birth control or HRT you are given papers that have long lists of many of the side-effects and risks associated with the use synthetic hormones. All synthetic hormones even synthetic progesterone, called progestin, have side-effects and are potentially dangerous. Some very common side-effects that you may have even experienced yourself are: Migraine Mood swings Depression irritability Appetite loss/increase Sleep disorders Water retention Increase risk of blood clotting/stroke/heart attack Bone loss These are just a few estrogen dominance symptoms and associated risks of using birth control and HRT. This very important distinction between synthetic hormones and biologically identical hormones, which is almost always confused, is the one the most important parts of your education on this topic. Did you know that a cycling woman only requires 1/3rd mg of estrogen 14 days out of the month? Conversely, during the 14 days progesterone phase, your body requires 22-25mg/day of progesterone. Why would we be getting enough estrogen but not be making enough progesterone? Well let’s look at one very common source of estrogen. An average piece of chicken that is grown commercially and fed hormones has 2-3 mg of estrogen per 4 oz serving! If you ate 20 ounces of chicken a week, even with your liver bypassing 80% of the hormones your eating, your still ingesting 16 mg all month long and that’s just from chicken. It’s noteworthy to see how easy it is to get too much estrogen in our system and that estrogen can and will block normal progesterone production and function. If I am a vegan, why would I need to be on progesterone cream? We need to highlight envrironmental estrogens, how many chemicals are in the average home and how they are estrogenic after being inhaled and applied to the skin. The Naturals Naturally occurring estrogens (estrogens that your body makes) are very important for women. When natural estrogen is in balance with progesterone and in the correct phase of the month it has many important roles in both genders. A few of these benefits for women are: Maintaining of the uterus Promotes ovulation ……Looking for a better word here than promote, the info I read on this is as follows: Surge in estrogen level induces the release of luteinizing hormone, which then triggers ovulation by releasing the egg from the Graafian follicle in the ovary. Increased sexual receptivity Stimulate endometrial growth Thickening of the vaginal wall Primary hormone to promote female secondary* sex characteristics Aids in protecting arteries from damage thus lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease Aids to the sheading and rebuilding of bone tissue Here is another interesting fact, only when estrogens are balanced with progesterone can they have the positive effect that they were meant to have. Without progesterone to balance estrogen they can actually cause harm! There is even a name for it… its called Estrogen Dominance. This syndrome has a very long list of unpleasant symptoms and syndromes. If you think you might be living with estrogen dominance take our fast, simple quiz here and see if your lifestyle is putting you at higher odds for this disorder. Consequences of Estrogen Dominance Estrogen dominance, almost always caused by synthetic sources, is also a leading cause of many female specific diseases in women of all ages. In clinical studies, estrogen molecules have been shown to increase the amount of unstable/abnormal cell growth, while the progesterone molecule has shown to do the exact opposite! Abnormal cells have stopped growing when progesterone is present*. Lets put a little footnote below with a link to that cell growth study; we need to start dabbling into the cell growth disease prevention and help even though this is just the overview. We should consider the direct effect of one of the most commonly experienced female diseases, Endometrioses. Estrogen is the hormone responsible for the thickening of the endometrium; it is by design a cell grower, which has a natural purpose when balanced by progesterone. However the….David can you please help me here? I’ve been researching this topic for two days now and just cant’ seem to come up with the correct verbiage to give a simple clear example of the roles of both hormones in this disease. Please keep it conversational simple and scientific. The master hormone progesterone is pretty amazing! So while natural estrogen certain is a necessary, beneficial hormone in the female body, the overdose of it can be a hazard. It can and will cause us a lot of unnecessary health problems. We live in an estrogen rich environment. Estrogen MUST be balanced by the master (or one that controls) female hormone, progesterone. Is there more you can do? <I think this would be a good place to have a link to info on hormone healthy lifestyle (which is going to be the title on one of our pages as you’ll see below) and YL oils. Progesterone that is being taken as a supplement needs to be biologically identical to what your body already makes and in a topical form thus making it free from side effects that synthetic hormones offer. Why is this?
Why Would I Have a Hormone Imbalance?
Our hormones control a large part of us. Steroid hormones can even make genetic changes or alterations to certain parts of our body. Progesterone and Estrogens are steroid hormones and as we have discussed in previous pages they each have a very unique and sometimes opposite effect in our body. But there is another factor that many of our ancestors never had to face that we are bombarded with today. Synthetic hormones and chemicals that act just like a synthetic hormone in the body. Chemical or synthetic hormones are disruptors to the normal and natural female hormone function. Where are these chemical and synthetic hormone-like molecules coming from, you might wonder? And how do they act like a hormone? Our bodies have what are called hormone receptors. This is the place where a hormone plugs in so it can be used by the body. When a foreign molecule (or one that is not biologically identical) plugs into the a receptor, not only can it block the natural hormone molecules from doing their normal jobs, but it can also create imbalances and thus the side-effects that go with that imbalance. Unfortunately our modern day environment is the primary source of these hormone-like chemicals that are similar enough to estrogen that they are able to plug into estrogen receptors and cause all sorts of side-effects. Here are some of the leading sources of these chemicals and synthetic hormones. Plastic- the plastic molecule is estrogenic in the body and will plug into our hormone receptor sites and not only block our natural hormone from assimilation but have an estrogenic effect on our hormone balance. We have reusable plastic in our everyday lives and almost every type of it either instantly or over time, will letch into whatever substance we have in it. This can significantly affect our hormone balance. Mineral oil is also estrogenic in the body and is called a petro chemical. It is being processed from petroleum and is a chemical that has been newly introduced to our beauty care within the last 75 years. It is the base oil of almost every single commercial and even some ‘natural’ lotions, body butters, liquid foundations, popery, hair care, perfumes, fragranced bathroom supplies, personal care, candles, plugins, car air fresheners and more. Could you have some of these items in your life? You can be throwing your hormone balance off without even realizing it. All commercial Meat, Dairy and Eggs that aren’t labeled as being Never fed or 100% hormone free, 100% grass fed, 100% cage free, or certified organic are full of synthetic estrogens. They are not only fed high amounts of synthetic estrogen but in many cases are also injected with the hormone in addition to what they eat in the feed. The word natural has lost almost all its meaning in the food industry unfortunately. Eating more plant proteins, reading labels, researching reputable companies as well as trying to utilize local small farms should be a very important part of your food regimen. When you think about switching to hormone-free animal products, you may not feel that overwhelmed, because they are usually pretty clearly labeled, with the exception of what you eat in restaurants. However, it can get tricky when it comes to the huge array of products that go under the heading of fragrance/home/personal care. I don’t want to make you feel hopeless, however, it is clear that getting balanced is a process and a lifestyle change. We want to help. We have composed a page at ********* that has a list of the most commonly used chemicals. You can print it out and take it to the store with you, as a guide for choosing products that will not imbalance your hormones! We have also expanded our product support line and are now offering %100 natural and safe home and personal care products.<YLJ> We also have a line of organic, biodegradable feminine hygiene care and baby wipes. There is great benefit in using supplemental, bio identical progesterone to balance your hormones and help prevent estrogen dominance. Remember, since it’s the master hormone, progesterone, when utilized in the proper time of the month and at the correct amount, can block estrogens from the receptor sites and aid in balancing estrogen dominance.
Hormones in Your Lifetime
Your hormones are responsible for a very large part of your total body health. Progesterone is the master female hormone and is known as the precursor or hormone from which many other steroid hormones are made, including estrogen and testosterone. To help you better understand your body, we’ve broken down some of the simple hormonal processes at different ages and the important role progesterone and estrogens play (both primary sex hormones for women). Read more…
How Can I Benefit?
Progesterone is the master female sex hormone and exists in both woman and men. However did you know that progesterone’s benefits, in both genders, don’t stop in the hormone department. Lets consider some of the other remarkable benefits that progesterone has in our body: Stimulating healthy thyroid function. A healthy thyroid helps things like energy, mood, hair and weight, all be at their best. Progesterone increases the metabolism, which is responsible for how were convert food to energy and thus aids to managing a healthy weight. Balances blood sugar levels Can normalize blood clotting, that means that progesterone is helpful to more than just cramping during PMS, but clotting in the veins of both genders It stimulates the production of bone tissue cells, and helps with skin elasticity would like a little more on that Progesterone promotes healthy sleep patterns Helps gums stay healthy and strong Progesterone is a natural diuretic Progesterone is known as the happy hormone it has also been shown to decrease depression and anxiety. Progesterone inhibits a chemical in the brain that is responsible for breaking down serotonin while enhancing the serotonin receptors. Serotonin is the feel good brain chemical. *On a side note to the brain, studies are being conducted that have shown that progesterone supports the normal development of neurons in the brain, and that the hormone has a protective effect on damaged brain tissue.
Miscarriage Causes You Did Not Know Existed
Miscarriage Causes You Did Not Know Existed Prior to the SARS-CoV2 outbreak in 2020, 1 in 8 pregnancies ended in miscarriage, also known as spontaneous abortion (pregnancy loss occurring at less than 20 weeks of gestation). By some reliable estimates this has increased by 500% in the past three years! What is causing this alarming rate of increase? ACTIVITY OF PROGESTERONE In order for progesterone to work, it has to occupy or plugin to a progesterone receptor, much the same way your car key plugs into your ignition. ORIGINS OF PROGESTERONE Progesterone is given its name because of its vital supportive role in gestation (Latin: gestare). This insight helps us appreciate the vital role of progesterone the reproductive process. Does this mean that if you are not of child-bearing age, you don’t need progesterone? (please see the article: “Why I Need Progesterone“). Modern science confirms this insight, as, of all female hormones, progesterone is the one most essential for conception, survival of the fertilized egg & the fetus all the way to a successful birth. THE UNIQUE ROLE OF PROGESTERONE IN PREGNANCY At ovulation, progesterone levels rapidly rise from 2-3 mg/day to an average of 25-28 mg/day, peaking as high as 30 mg/day during the luteal phase of your month. If fertilization does not occur in ten or twelve days, progesterone levels fall dramatically, triggering the shedding of the lining (your next menstrual cycle). If pregnancy does occur, however, on or about week 18, progesterone production is taken over by the placenta which secretes an ever increasing supply, reaching 300-400 mg/day during the third trimester! At birth (around week 40) progesterone levels drop from about 400 mg/day to zero mg/day, triggering the birth of your baby. Since progesterone supports a healthy brain chemistry, could the dramatic drop in progesterone levels, be a primary cause of “PostPartum Depression“? A FEW COMMON LIFESTYLE RISK FACTORS Age Obesity Tobacco use Drug use Excess caffeine Excess alcohol Excess Stress A KNOWN RISK FACTOR Cytokines are cells released by your immune system for the purpose of modulating your body’s natural, healthy immune response. When the threat to your health is severe, excess cytokines can be harmful, causing inflammation and other issues. This over reaction by your immune system is called a cytokine storm. “Cytokine storm due to SARS-CoV-2 infection can cause short-term menstrual disturbances, pre-term delivery, and miscarriages. It can also adversely impact the male reproductive system causing a reduction in fertility and erectile dysfunction.” A significant drop in progesterone levels or a blockade of progesterone receptors, especially during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, will almost always result in miscarriage, or, later, pre-term birth. Yes, the environmental toxins, EDC’s, interfere with the production and function of your master hormone progesterone, but what could be blocking progesterone receptors? Research scientist in Cairo published an article entitled: COVID-19 spike protein binds to progesterone receptors, a docking findings which may explain Spontaneous Abortion Following COVID-19 infection and Vaccination During Pregnancy Clearly, anything that blocks the progesterone receptor, whether it is the virus or a vaccine is implicated in miscarriage and/or early term birth. Cytokines are cells released by your immune system for the purpose of modulating your body’s natural, healthy immune response. When the threat to your health is severe, excess cytokines can be harmful, causing inflammation and other issues. This over reaction by your immune system is called a cytokine storm. “Progesterone is an essential hormone that induces deep immune adaptations favoring pregnancy maintenance.” ALWAYS FREE-SHIPPING
Hormone Therapy for Menopause – Types, Benefits & Risks
Hormone Therapy for Menopause – Types, Benefits & Risks HRT is an acronym for Hormone replacement therapy. This is the default treatment prescribed by most doctors when a woman enters menopause (menopause normally occurs at the age of 50-51 or may be surgically induced at any younger age). HRT usually contains conjugated estrogens (CEE) from pregnant mare’s urine, Premarin (We Support the Humane Treatment of Horses) & progestin (synthetic progesterone). Administration methods are: tablet patch suppository vaginal cream At menopause, HRT was the default treatment recommendation, as it may have alleviated some of the following symptoms: hot flashes night sweats anxiety sleep disorders vaginal dryness HRT is prescribed under the belief that a woman has reduced levels of estrogen at menopause. Here is a concern we frequently receive: “This topic is so very confusing for women. Many providers claim that without supplementing estrogen, we run a greater risk of heart disease, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s” Sure, your body requires estrogen for good health, however, a woman’s need for estrogen is only 1/3rd of a mg. daily. Too much estrogen, relative to insufficient progesterone (estrogen dominance) has been identified as a primary underlying cause for dozens of health issues in women! Significantly, according to Dr. John Lee’s research, 75% of menopausal women make a sufficient amount of estrogen in their adrenal glands & fat cells from their master hormone, Progesterone. Most women do NOT have an estrogen deficiency! Focus on optimizing your master hormone, Progesterone & your symptoms will yield & you will enjoy the health you deserve! In 2002, HRT got a “Wake-Up-Call”! A large clinical trial of 27,347 postmenopausal women, age 50–79 years, found that HRT posed more health risks than benefits for postmenopausal women! With what result? The study was stopped! The findings indicted HRT as being responsible for an increased risk for the following: Stroke Pulmonary Embolism Myocardial Infarction Colorectal Cancer Endometrial Cancer Gallbladder Disease Urinary Incontinence Sleep Disturbances Social Anxiety Hip Fracture All-Cause Mortality Were there any reported benefits to HRT? Yes… “Among younger women (ages 50–54) experiencing moderate or severe hot flashes and/or night sweats at enrollment (n=979), those in both the CEE+MPA and CEE groups had substantial reductions in symptoms (64% and 28%, respectively, compared to placebo at one year)“ Wow! What a price to pay, just to reduce hot flashes and/or night sweats! This is especially so in light of the fact, there are now safe, non-invasive & highly effective ways to make your hot flashes/night sweats go away. When you clearly identify the 3 underlying causes, then time-honored protocols can be safely implemented. As the number of risk factors attributed to synthetic hormone therapy (HRT) have become universally accepted, doctors have chosen to prescribe with far less frequency (“do no harm”). And, informed women on hormone therapy (HRT) have chosen to discontinue its use, very often without consulting their physicians. BLOOD CLOTS Doctors have long known that taking estrogen increases a person’s risk for blood clots. Generally, this risk is higher if you use birth control pills, which contain high doses of synthetic progesterone (progestin or medroxy-progesterone-acetate). Your risk is even higher if you smoke and take estrogen. The risk is not as high when estrogen skin patches (transdermal estrogen) are used, but still exists. BREAST CANCER Women who take estrogen therapy for a long period of time have an increased in risk for breast-cancer. Most guidelines still believe hormone therapy safe for breast-cancer risk when taken for up to 5 years, although this is not supported by the data. ENDOMETRIAL/UTERINE CANCER The risk for endometriosis/endometrial cancer is more than five times higher in women who take estrogen therapy alone, compared with those who do not. However, taking progesterone with estrogen seems to protect against this cancer. Endometrial cancer does not develop in women who do not have a uterus. CARDIOVASCULAR/HEART DISEASE Estrogen may increase the risk of heart disease in older women, or in women who began estrogen use more than 10 years after their last period. Deep venous thrombosis (DVT or blood clot in a vein) and pulmonary embolus (PE or blood clot in the lungs) are more common in women who take oral estrogen, regardless of their age. STROKE Women who take estrogen have an increased risk for stroke. Women who also smoke, have heart disease, or are at higher risk for heart disease and stroke are less likely to be given estrogen hormones. GALLBLADDER DISEASE Several studies have shown that women who take estrogen/progestin (synthetic progesterones) therapy have an increased risk for developing gallstones.” The hormones used in most HRT protocols are foreign to the female body and while they address some of the symptoms women struggle with at menopause, they do so with a price! Hormone replacement therapy can be accomplished successfully with hormones that are biologically identical to those made by the woman’s natural biology. These “body-identical” hormones safely work in harmony with your body’s natural circadian rhythms. Oral administration invites the liver to intercept those hormones, unncessarily stressing your liver. A safer choice is a proper, plant-based cream method of administration This safely bypasses the liver and delivers hormone “messengers” to the correct receptor sites where they are able to successfully carry out their mission. More detail can be accessed here: “Why is Cream Form Better?” Achieving Optimal Health at Menopause We live in a time of “better living through chemistry…” and for that reason it is a challenge to acquire and maintain optimal health and wellness. Following are some well established guidelines for you to achieve that goal: Manage stress – yes, I know, this is easier said that done Achieve quality, Phase IV sleep each evening. There are 16 principles found at “How Can I Enjoy Quality Sleep?” Avoid GMO foods; foods that contain growth hormones and foods that contain pesticides, anti-biotics and any other antagonists to your health Dietary Fiber – ensure that you consume no less than 25 grams per day; whole psyllium seed husks are an excellent choice. Avoid petroleum derivatives in all personal care products & household cleaning products.
Progesterone Creams for Women’s Health
Progesterone Creams for Women’s Health How would you know if you are suffering from the harmful effects caused by a hormone imbalance, too much estrogen and not enough progesterone? What role do Progesterone Creams play? For decades, scientists have studied the ill-effects of environmental estrogens, also known as xeno-estrogens and their effect on the endocrine system (the endocrine system is the collection of glands that produce our hormones). These hormones regulate metabolism, growth & development, tissue function, sexual function, reproduction, sleep & mood, among many other things. Xenoestrogens have hormone-like activity in the body of both genders and are known as endocrine disruptors. This means they interfere with the natural production & utilization of your valuable, beneficial hormones. Since the endocrine system is responsible for your hormone production, today’s chemical environment is the First of two primary causes of hormone imbalance & insufficient levels of progesterone (your master hormone). Your body is continually flooded with too many xenoestrogens, which are negatively affecting our endocrine system. The result? You needlessly suffer with an imbalance of your primary hormones. Where do these Xenoestrogens and other toxic chemicals come from? As you learned in the above video, they are extremely prevalent in almost all personal care & beauty products (even when the label says “Natural”), plastics which come in contact with food & beverages, pesticides (this is why so many choose Organic), cleaning products and all synthetic fragrances & all GMO foods & products. There are more than 100,000 petroleum-based ingredients (petro-chemicals) in use by the cosmetic industry alone! (petroleum is a xenoestrogen)! Can the ill-effects of all these chemicals be avoided with Progesterone Creams for Women? The Second cause of hormone imbalance is found in most commercially grown meat, dairy and animal products. Unless otherwise specified on the label, almost ALL chicken, beef, pork, eggs and dairy contain synthetic estrogens and/or pesticides. These are consumed by hundreds of millions of people weekly. Synthetic estrogens shorten the growth time of the animal & profit the farmer, while cheapening the cost to consumer. When consumed on a daily or weekly basis, these foods directly affect our endocrine system and optimal hormone balance. Synthetic estrogens are also responsible for weight-gain, overall ill-health, infertility (men & women), diminished libido, and increased disease susceptibility. Synthetic hormones, which are the active ingredients in prescription birth control and HRT, have also been proven in many studies, to put you at increased risk for female-specific cancers. Can the ill-effects of all these food additives & added hormones be avoided with Progesterone Creams for Women? Bioidentical progesterone will safely support your body’s ability to be in balance. It’s one simple solution you can implement every month to safely balance your hormones when you finish puberty and for life. Optimal progesterone levels, at the correct time of the month, will not only alleviate, but prevent the painful symptoms of PMS/PMDD & menopause, increase osteoblast cell activity (bone integrity) and support overall health & vitality for life. Healthy levels will also support increased fertility, aid to a healthy first trimester of pregnancy and address the causes of post-partum depression. With that said, Progesterone’s health benefits don’t end in the hormone department. Did you know progesterone has also been proven to have a supportive effect on brain chemistry? It aids in production of the ‘neurotransmitters’ that enhance your mood, like serotonin. It also supports healthy sleep patterns, healthy cell death & renewal, healthy weight, healthy hair and improved skin elasticity. Clearly, progesterone is beneficial to our entire body’s health. Please visit our Serenity Lifestyle page here for more details on how and where you can protect yourself and your family from from these Xenoestrogens. There, we also have recommendations on the best personal/home/supplement care in the world that will greatly affect your health for the better. Can the ill-effects of all these food additives & added hormones be avoided with Progesterone Creams for Women? ALWAYS FREE-SHIPPING
Progesterone Cream Side Effects – The Underlying Cause & What to Do About It…
Progesterone Cream Side Effects – The Underlying Cause & What to Do About It… Progesterone is the most important hormone for women. It helps maintain pregnancy and regulates menstruation. However, some women experience side-effects when first taking progesterone creams. The underlying cause may not be what you have been told… At the onset of using Natural Progesterone Cream a small percent of women may initially experience an increase in symptoms. This is due to the natural progesterone “waking up” estrogen receptors (all hormones plug in to receptors, the same way a key plugs into a lock). This is NOT a reaction to your most important, master hormone, progesterone! If you are one of the few who has this experience, simply reduce the amount of cream to a level that is comfortable for you, and gradually return to a normal dose, perhaps over a 3-10 day time. This condition is only temporary. As your body adjusts the re-introduction of your “Master” hormone, you will achieve an optimal balance and the symptoms caused by oestrogen dominance will ameliorate, as well as the risk factors from too much estrogen, which include a reduction in your risk for female-specific cancers. It is also vitally important to identify and avoid all environmental estrogens, as they interfere with the safe production and utilization of your body’s natural hormones! There are no reported short or long term side effects to using Serenity Body-Identical Progesterone Cream. – Too much estrogen, however, can cause irregular cycles and retention of old blood, leading to endometriosis, not to mention increasing your risk for female-specific cancers. Because Natural Progesterone has a normalizing effect on the menstrual cycle, it can initially promote the shedding of old blood. This shedding is very desirable as stored blood can increase the risk of endometriosis & endometrial cancer. If you have experienced the above and feel uncertain over the use of a proper progesterone cream formula, this is the time to evaluate the long-term consequences of “estrogen dominance” and compare to the myriad of “protective” benefits furnished by Body-Identical Progesterone. Find out about the three necessary pillars of hormone balance and more information about side-effects here!
Optimal Support for Progesterone Cream – 7 Pillars of Health
Optimal Support for Progesterone Cream – 7 Pillars of Health Optimal Support for Progesterone Cream Here are some of the best foods to help heal your hormones. These are wonderful if you are a young woman or if you are a woman who is aging and wants to age gracefully. FLAXSEED: Flaxseeds contain phyto-estrogens, or plant based estrogens, or weak estrogens. What they do is, they bind to something called “receptor sites” for xeno-biotics or xeno-estrogens. Did you know that there are dozens of estrogen mimickers out there, there’s really hundreds, in the environment – chemicals, pharmaceuticals, plastics, waste materials – those will bind your receptor sites and cause an imbalance. Flaxseed is good as an oil or as ground flaxseed. You can also consume flaxseed as part of a supplement – the added bonus is it gives bulk and lubrication to the gut and provides Omega 3’s. So Flax is a key food for women’s health. It also has lignans which are great for breast health. So many women want to make sure they maintain a healthy hormonal balance but also healthy breast tissue etc with all the risks out there. BONE BROTH: Issues may start to develop in mature women that include organ prolapse, skin issues and weak connective tissue. this is why it is important to include bone broth in your diet. Bone broth is an excellent way to boost joint health. If you want to have better feeling knees, lower back and neck – bone broth can help. But also for your organs! We are talking about your connective tissue here. The things that hold your organs in place, hold your tissues in place. Along with collagen, if you’re consuming bone broth into menopause and outside of it, You are likely going to have a stronger skeletal system, integumentary system (skin, hair and nails). It truly is amazing. FERMENTED FOODS: Fermented foods are amazing. They include dairy products, yogurt and kefir. Even Cleopatra reportedly bathed in yogurt. So fermented dairy is great. Fermented veggies are also amazing. Not only are fermented veggies such as sauerkraut and kimchi good for the probiotics and enzymes – cruciferous vegetables are great for balancing hormones. Other fermented foods include fermented soy, miso or natto, even tempeh in small amounts. If you consume as a woman, whether you’re young or aging – bone broth, raw sauerkraut, cultured dairy and fermented soy products – you are starting on an amazing journey for health that will have you will looking better and feeling better. SPROUTS: There are 2 kinds of sprouts that are beneficial if you are interested in balancing hormones, particularly when nearing perimenopause or menopause: Broccoli sprouts and Clover sprouts. Clover has an amazing source of phytoestrogens, particularly red clover. And broccoli sprouts are great for the immune system and they help to block environmental estrogen mimickers. These are amazing foods and they will help you look and feel your best and can contribute to reducing or effects of menopause. Here are some essential herbs that can help to balance hormones, alongside progesterone cream. BLACK COHOSH: This is available in an infusion form, or a tea form, or you can also consume it in supplement form. In fact, it is so good at balancing hormones that in Europe, the number one prescribed nutraceutical for hot flashes and menopause issues would be black cohosh. DONG QUAI: This has been described as being the female ginseng. Not only has it been shown to balance out estrogen and progesterone levels, but it also helps to increase the libido and energize the body. (A low sex drive could be another sign that there is a hormone imbalance). WILD YAMS, CLOVER & VITEX: These are powerful botanicals for women of all ages, but especially for women as they age and near menopause. Vitex has been shown to directly, probably as much or more than any of these herbs, to raise progesterone levels and so is key in balancing hormones. Along with the herbs mentioned above, here are a couple of amazing spices that are great for overall health, but especially for hormonal issues. LICORICE: This is slightly phytoestrogenic. So like flaxseed, licorice can also help to prevent estrogen mimickers binding receptor sites and creating imbalance. (It is also very tasty and sweet which is a bonus). SAGE: This is a both a herb and spice that has many health benefits. It is a great natural source of vitamin K which helps to make various proteins that are needed for blood clotting and the building of bones. 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Many essential oils are good for women’s hormones and they are excellent in helping you sleep or helping you become more energized. Here are just a few such essential oils. CLARY SAGE: This is good for balancing estrogen and progesterone. Many women are estrogen dominant. This can lead to issues such as dry skin, irritability, low libido, hair issues, skin issues – all of this is due to an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone. Clary sage used topically, is one of the best essential oils to bring balance to your hormones and help with these issues. It can be used in conjuncture with… CHAMOMILE THYME OREGANO ROSEMARY… these essential oils are wonderful for menopause and for women who are in the peak or toward the end of their reproductive years. YLANG YLANG, GERANIUM OIL, LAVENDER & CHAMOMILE: These four essential oils are great for reducing stress on the mind, the body and the emotions. These essential oils can help work as adaptogens – they can help reduce stress and cortisol levels. This is a key factor, not
Hair Loss: 21 Ways to Keep Your Hair
Manage Stress – excess stress spikes cortisol, blocks T4-T3 conversion Avoid all Sodium Fluouride Use a Sebum-cleansing shampoo. No Sulfates in any shampoo DHT burns out hair follicles as a result of 5AR, leading to andro-genetic alopecia-pattern hair loss Progesterone cream blocks 5AR/DHT Onion juice supports healthy hair growth Green tea supports healthy hair growth Organic Essential Rosemary oil supports healthy hair growth (rub into scalp, leave in overnight) Zinc supports healthy hair growth Silica supports healthy hair growth ACV – 1/3 cup to 1 liter of water supports healthy hair growth Increase protein/trace minerals – sea kelp, shellfish, salmon Nutritional Yeast flakes – non fortified/organic supports healthy hair growth Cruciferous vegetables – sea kelp support healthy hair growth Selenium (brazil nuts, seafood, sea kelp) – for sluggish thyroid. Keto & IF – prevent androgen spike, normalizing insulin Biotin – supports hair growth Optimize Friendly gut bacteria – Fermented Vegetables, KimChi, Sauerkraut contain 100x more probiotics than most supplements, Collagen & vitamin C. They survive stomach acids Increase vitamin D (Sunshine) a natural cortisol-balancing hormone Improve quality sleep Exercise daily
Does Progesterone Improve Skin Tone?
Does Progesterone Improve Skin Tone? What is the Role of Progesterone for Skin Elasticity & Firmness? A study published on PubMed entitled Effects and side-effects of 2% progesterone cream on the skin of peri- and postmenopausal women: results from a double-blind, vehicle-controlled, randomized study, concludes: Conclusions: The results of this study demonstrate that topical 2% progesterone acts primarily in increasing elasticity and firmness in the skin of peri- and postmenopausal women. These effects in combination with good tolerability make progesterone a possible treatment agent for slowing down the ageing process of female skin after onset of the menopause. Full article can be accessed here. Progesterone levels in pregnant women will rise to approximately 400 mg/day during the third trimester. As progesterone is bathing a woman’s womb, it is also promoting skin elasticity of the belly, which protects the skin from damage. It is fair to say that most women (probably all women) desire to maintain beautiful skin as they transition through peri-menopause and menopause! So, what are some of the other ways progesterone protects you? Progesterone is the Master Hormone in all women. It is the hormone responsible for balancing the activities of a woman’s 27 different estrogens. It is the hormone used by the body to make many other necessary hormones, including estrogen, allopregenalone & testosterone. Optimal progesterone levels, is foundational for a woman to enjoy good health & wellness. If a cycling woman fails to maintain sufficient progesterone during “that time of the month” she will experience some of the 150 symptoms of PMS/PMT, including cramping, irritability, headaches, etc… A premature drop in Progesterone levels during pregnancy will almost always result in a miscarriage, or pre-term birth. A normal, sharp drop in progesterone levels on or about week 40, will trigger the birth of the baby & almost always result in “post-partum depression”. Progesterone (the one your body makes; not the synthetic one) protects a woman from breast cancer, ovarian cancer and endometriosis. Research is here. Progesterone stimulates bone building cells called osteoblasts to build new bone tissue more effectively than any other influence, including aerobic exercise. Bone loss in women, begins, on average at age 37, resulting in 1.5% bone mineral density loss per year. Women who supplement with a properly formulated topical progesterone cream appreciate a 0.68% increase in bone mineral density each year! If you do the math, this is an awesome outcome! Men need progesterone to make testosterone Progesterone supports prostate health Progesterone supports production of serotonin & has been labeled the “Happy Hormone” Progesterone-Based Therapy Protects Against Influenza by Promoting Lung Repair and Recovery in Females Learn More
Contribution The Challenge From our 27 years experience we see that 85 to 90% of all women living in industrialized countries struggle with a hormone in balance at some time in their lives. For many, it is an ongoing crisis each month. The many issues caused by an imbalance of primary hormones in women has become so epidemic in the past 30-40 years, that it has been labeled “the new normal“. What are the underlying causes of this health dilemma? Endocrine disrupting chemicals, EDC’s and an ongoing stressful lifestyle. What is the role of Progesterone? Progesterone is the Master Hormone in all women. It is the hormone responsible for balancing the activities of a woman’s 27 different estrogens. It is the hormone used by the body to make many other necessary hormones, including estrogen, allopregenalone & testosterone. Optimal progesterone levels, is foundational for a woman to enjoy good health & wellness. If a cycling woman fails to maintain sufficient progesterone during “that time of the month” she will experience some of the 150 symptoms of PMS/PMT, including cramping, irritability, headaches, etc… A premature drop in Progesterone levels during pregnancy will almost always result in a miscarriage, or pre-term birth. A normal, sharp drop in progesterone levels on or about week 40, will trigger the birth of the baby & almost always result in “post-partum depression”. Progesterone stimulates bone building cells called osteoblasts to build new bone tissue more effectively than any other influence, including aerobic exercise. Bone loss in women, begins, on average at age 37, resulting in 1.5% bone mineral density loss per year. Men need progesterone to make testosterone Progesterone supports prostate health Progesterone supports production of serotonin & has been labeled the “Happy Hormone” Progesterone-Based Therapy Protects Against Influenza by Promoting Lung Repair and Recovery in Females My Experience In March 1995 I published the first website offering educational information for a woman to master hormone progesterone and the first progesterone cream sold on the Internet. Since that time I have engaged approximately 20,000 consultations with women wherein I’ve been privileged to hear of a myriad of symptoms, unpleasant diagnoses, emotional trauma and uncertainty. Probably the most revealing fact is that almost no woman truly appreciates the excelling value of her master hormone, progesterone. Most women, honestly do not even know what progesterone is. The opportunity to “Give Back” For the past 27 years we have provided educational information for women so they have been able to make an informed decision when it comes to safely and effectively balancing their hormones. I have personally devoted thousands of hours in telephone consultations and I have been able to reach hundreds of thousands of women through our websites. Because progesterone address is the underlying cause of so many health conditions women struggle with and has been shown to reduce a woman’s risk for female specific cancers, I honestly feel millions of women will benefit from an accurate education about their master hormone progesterone. Progesterone is the master hormone and all women, progesterone.com is the mother domain for this master hormone. We manufacture the highest quality all plant-based, body-identical progesterone cream found anywhere in the world, formulated exclusively with American-made progesterone and free of all petrochemicals. I am open to your suggestions for effective, creative ways we can extend our reach. The Science We spent several months researching the following page. It contains links to more than 100 published scientific studies, proving the value of body-identical progesterone. bio-progesterone.com This is probably the most researched webpage on progesterone! Gynecology Drugs Global Market Report 2022 The global gynecology drugs market (hormone replacement) is expected to grow from $24.68 billion in 2021 to $26.36 billion in 2022 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.8%.. The growth is mainly due to the increase in gynecological disorders among women and rising cases of gynecological cancer. The market is expected to reach $33.21 billion in 2026 at a CAGR of 5.9%. Gynecology Drugs Global Market Report 2022
Hypothyroidism How would you know if you are suffering from a deficiency of progesterone & too much estrogen? If you have a sluggish thyroid, then it is very likely estrogens are blocking thyroid hormone from plugging in at the receptor site. This is due to an imbalance of too many estrogens, relative to an insufficiency of your body’s own natural, master hormone, progesterone. The observable symptoms generally include all or some combination of: Irritability Frustration Vertigo Acne Bloating Mood Swings Hypothyroidism Food Cravings Depression Exhaustion Weight Gain Loss of Libido Acute Headaches Anger Panic Backaches Fatigue Breast Swelling & Tenderness Address the causes of PMS, Peri-menopause & Menopause, by managing stress and replacing the chemicals that interfere with hormone balance with products that are plant-sourced, ergo, safe & therapeutic. While identifying & avoiding the myriad of harmful chemicals in the environment, the other half of what is needed is a properly formulated organic progesterone cream, one free of petro-chemicals, free of Chinese progesterone and free of Genetically Modified Ingredients (GMO-free) one that, since 1995, has proven to be the safest and most effect choice for the Informed Woman. Menopause – When? Always apply to freshly bathed skin. 1/8th teaspoon twice a day, mornings and bedtime for 25-26 consecutive days. Discontinue for 5-6 days. If symptoms are severe you may increase to a quarter teaspoon twice a day, but monitor progress and decrease as required. Using Serenity will not restart your menstrual cycle, as menopause is marked by the release of your last egg. Always apply to freshly bathed skin. Meticulously avoid all environmental estrogens so that progesterone can optimally support your health. If hot flashes persist, include whole psyllium seed husks in the evening according directions on product page. In the U.K. and in the U.S., bone loss begins, on average, at age 37, however, osteoporosis may not be diagnosed until menopause. Fertility Progesterone is the “pro-gestational hormone” and necessary for conception and full-term pregnancy. A drop in progesterone levels or a blockage of progesterone receptors during the first 11 or 12 weeks will normally result in miscarriage. *note: if you discontinue your cream at the end of week 19 and the placenta has not taken over progesterone production, resume cream. You will clearly know if the placenta is not producing significant quantities of progesterone. Libido Testosterone is the source of libido in women. Progesterone is the precursor for testosterone. Apply according to your menstrual status. Add kindness, candlelight, soft music and a chilled bottle of Pinot Noir for enhanced effect. Conclusion There are no reported short or long term side effects to using Serenity Body-Identical Progesterone Cream. – Too much estrogen can cause irregular cycles and retention of old blood. Because natural progesterone has a normalizing effect on the menstrual cycle, it may initially promote the shedding of old blood. This shedding is very desirable as stored blood can increase the risk of endometriosis & endometrial cancer. Note: At the onset of using natural progesterone cream some women may initially experience an increase in “estrogen dominance” symptoms. This is due to the natural progesterone “waking up” estrogen receptor sites, not a reaction to progesterone. If experienced, simply reduce the amount of cream to an amount that does not trigger symptoms and gradually return to a normal dose. This condition is only temporary. As your body adjusts the re-introduction of the Master hormone, you will achieve an optimal balance and the symptoms caused by oestrogen dominance will ameliorate.
PCOS & Progesterone
PCOS & Progesterone I searched the term PCOS & was a bit surprised, rather I should say, disappointed to find the following: PCOS is a “syndrome,” or group of symptoms that affects the ovaries and ovulation. A hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges. The cause of polycystic ovary syndrome isn’t well understood, but may involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Symptoms include menstrual irregularity, excess hair growth, acne, and obesity. Treatments include birth control pills to regularize periods, a medication called metformin to prevent diabetes, statins to control high cholesterol, hormones to increase fertility, and procedures to remove excess hair. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects a woman’s hormone levels. Women with PCOS produce higher-than-normal amounts of male hormones. This hormone imbalance causes their body to skip menstrual periods and makes it harder for them to get pregnant. PCOS also causes hair growth on the face and body, and baldness. And it can contribute to long-term health problems like diabetes and heart disease. There is currently no cure for PCOS, and it does not go away on its own. Even after menopause, women with PCOS often continue to have high levels of androgens as well as insulin resistance. This means that the health risks associated with PCOS are lifelong. Since the beginning of 1995 I have had the privilege of assisting hundreds of thousands of women to identify the causes of hormonal imbalances, and safely correct the relevant underlying factors. Many have given us feedback for which recommendations worked best. With that in mind, let’s break down what PCOS is. First, the acronym stands for polycystic ovary syndrome. It is important to note that a “syndrome” is a term given to a common set of symptoms for which a known, identifiable etiology (cause or causes of disease) has not been identified. When a syndrome is eventually paired with a clearly defined cause, it is given a new name, a “Disease”! Second, obviously, “ovary” simply refers to the affected organs. Third, “polycystic” is taken from the word poly, meaning many or multiple and the word cystic inferring a cyst. Simply stated PCOS is the growth of multiple cysts in one or both ovaries. First, let’s identify and define a normal part of healthy cell life called apoptosis. It is defined as a form of “programmed cell death” and is a normal, healthy, bodily process. When apoptosis fails to function properly, cells form cysts, benign tumors & eventually, malignant tumors. So the most relevant question is “What negatively influences normal, healthy cell apoptosis? And, what effect do hormones have on cell apoptosis? Molecular biologist, Dr. Ben Formby of Copenhagen, Denmark and Dr. T.S. Wiley at the University of California in Santa Barbara have researched two genes, BCL2 and P53, and their effect on female-specific cancers & prostate cancer. Cells of breast, endometrium, ovary and prostate, were grown in the laboratory. Estrogen (estradiol) was added to the cells. This hormone turned on the BCL2 gene, causing the cells to grow rapidly and not die. Then, progesterone was added to the cell cultures. Cell reproduction stopped and the cells died on time (apoptosis)! This methodology was applied to all the above types of cancer. The BCL2 gene, therefore, stimulates the growth of these cells and the risk of cancer. On the other hand, the P53 gene promotes apoptosis or programmed cell death and thereby, reduces the risk of cancer. Estradiol upregulates or stimulates the production of the BCL2 gene, while progesterone upregulates or stimulates the production of the P53 gene! Transdermal estradiol increased the cell proliferation rate by 230%, while transdermal progesterone decreased the cell proliferation rate by >400%. A combination estradiol/progesterone cream maintained the normal proliferation rate. This is direct evidence that estradiol (a potent estrogen), stimulates hyper-proliferation of breast tissue cells and progesterone mediates hyper-proliferation (apoptosis). Since the P53 gene expression induces apoptosis and the BCL-2 gene when expressed inhibits apoptosis, if one’s cancer cells are progesterone-receptor positive, then progesterone, as part of one’s therapy, appears to be a very important component of a woman’s treatment. In order for natural progesterone to stimulate the production of the P53 gene it must attach itself to progesterone receptors found in abundance in breast, ovarian, and endometrial cells. If a woman is taking birth control pills or any other form of synthetic progesterones (progestins, progesterone acetate, medroxy-progesterone acetate) these synthetic progesterones will occupy progesterone receptors and prevent natural progesterone from occupying the receptor site. Synthetic progesterones not only fail to produce the P53 gene but prevent it’s production by blocking natural progesterone from occupying the progesterone receptor and in the presence of excess estradiol, dramatically increase a woman’s risk for female-specific cancers! Clearly, from the above information, we can conclude that primary underlying causes of ovarian cysts, breast cancer, prostate cancer and more, are too much estrogen (BCL2 gene) relative to too little progesterone and the benefits of the P53 gene, stimulated by the presence of natural progesterone. This increased risk for breast cancer is especially so in the presence of prolonged stress and EDC’s. Take a look at the brief whiteboard animation below: There are 12 references to tests on BCL2 and P53, and how they are affected by progesterone & estrogen. This information has been published, in part, in the following journals: The American Cancer Society Journal The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology The American Journal of Pathology International Journal of Cancer The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Fertility and Sterility – Journal of the American Society For Reproductive Medicine Supplemental Research